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RCDBManager / Main screen / Start Process

Start Process button has a drop-down menu at its right part. This menu contains all options currently supported by RomCenter's command-line tool.

When the options <font inherit/inherit;;#e74c3c;;inherit>to be performed on all child databases of the selected platform</font> are “checked”, all that needs to be done is for the Start Process button to be pressed. At this point (and if Yes is pressed at the confirmation message dialog), RCDBM will call rc.exe <font inherit/inherit;;#e74c3c;;inherit>for each one of the selected options and for each child database of the selected Platform</font> (as shown in the tree). The details of each database and option being processed, will be shown in the Process log tab.

<font inherit/inherit;;#ff0000;;inherit>WARNING:</font> Depending on the selected Platform and the performance of the computer, this could take quite some time (perhaps even days on a slow computer, for large Platforms containing several children with many roms). During the process, RCDBM will not display any progress indication and will also not provide a way to stop and may appear as “not responding”). At the end, it will display the output of RomCenter's rc.exe. In any case, <font inherit/inherit;;#e74c3c;;inherit>it is strongly suggested to take a full backup of your databases and ROMs before managing them with RCDBM</font>, just in case.

Only one of options Create and Update can be selected at a time. If one of them is selected, the other is automatically deselected. There is no logic in selecting them both to be executed in a session (first create a database and then update it from the same DAT file), just a waste of time.

On application exit, the selected options are saved (per DAT file/folder) along with the selected tree node, so next time this DAT is opened, they will be restored.

rcdbm-main-startprocess.txt · Last modified: 2021-08-23 21:14 by

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